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Growing relationships through contextual policy advisory.

Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of leaders in both the private and public sectors, enhancing their strategic decision-making and overall effectiveness.


We transform hurdles into stepping stones for top leaders in the public and private sectors by building relationships and offering policy advisory services.


At Momentum Africa Partners, we’re your key to unlocking success in African markets.


Shaping Public Policy

We help our clients to understand their broader operating ecosystem, anticipate critical public policy interventions and craft narratives that will align with their organisation’s goals with the broader societal context.

Public Sector Program Delivery

We work with Government’s and public sector bodies to identify administrative bottlenecks, optimise the implementation of public sector programs for maximum efficiency and impact. We connect the development dots in to compelling political narrative.

Public Service Architecture

We help design and improve public service structures to enhance accessibility, effectiveness, and responsiveness.

External Affairs Capacity Building

Our training programs empower organisations to manage external affairs effectively, enhancing stakeholder engagement.

Political Risk Assessment

Using our well established network of sources across the region we assess political risk and provide digestible strategic guidance to safeguard your commercial interests in Africa’s dynamic political landscape.

ESG Advisory

Our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) expertise includes Supply Chain audit and compliance assessment, aiding our clients to grow their corporate credentials by embedding responsible business practices in to their operations.

Regulatory Compliance Advisory

We navigate complex regulatory environments in the Telecommunications, Energy, and Financial Services Sector to ensure your compliance and competitive edge.

Africa CFTA Advisory Services

Our team helps you leverage opportunities within the African Continental Free Trade Area, fostering growth and expansion.
At Momentum Africa Partners, we prioritize our clients’ success. We work collaboratively, tailoring our solutions to meet unique needs and objectives.


Our dedication to excellence and innovation drives our commitment to delivering tangible results.

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We are looking forward to hearing from you.